Account Manager:
Our clients are managed by Account Manager, Kris Anderson. She will handle all new client set-ups as well as answer any questions you may have in regards to your account or art jobs. If you need anything, please feel free to call or email Kris.
Kris Anderson
Toll Free: 877-278-7801
Art Department:
The Art Department, headed up by Derek R. Anderson, is available to help with all your artwork needs. Please email Derek if you have a question for him or any of the staff at FreelanceArtDepartment™.
Derek R. Anderson
Office Manager:
The internal workings of the company are managed by office veteran Patricia Holly, she is the glue that holds the company together with her valuable assistance in the inner workings of FreelanceArtDepartment™.
Patricia Holly
Job Opportunities:
If you are an artist looking to join the team on a part or full time bases, please send an email to Holly with your personal references, job history and samples, Holly reviews new artist applications once a week and forwards potential prospects to the Art Department for further review.
Holly Hewston
Toll Free: 877-278-7801 | Fax: 877-278-7802 | Cell: 877-278-7803
General Information Email: Info@FreelanceArtDepartment.com